Elf Ravager Update v0.0.3 Patch Notes



Procedural Elf Skin Tones and Hair Colour Variety Added

Bored of the same few blonde elves? Elves can now randomly spawn with different hair colours, womb tattoo colours and skin tones. You can check what colour or skin tone an elf has in the information panel.

Preview below


The Sybian:

New captivity display device located in the brothel. A mechanical dual penetration device used to train your slave’s endurance and break their wills.


“Hall of Flesh”:

New dungeon room that houses the new gloryhole device. The entrance can be found in the brothel.


Gloryhole / Freeuse Station: 

New Breeding Station. Functions as a multi-purpose breeding station.

Additionally it tracks the occupant, their sex counter, and also their childbirth counter on the wall.

Ass Wall Back End:

Used as a free use breeding glory hole. Includes 4 randomized panels of custom degrading wall text along with a complementary birthing box.

Urinal Front Side: 

Used as a blowjob station. Conveniently includes built-in urinals…


Dress up your slaves using various accessory items, activated when in proximity of an elf and pressing the ‘Y’ key and using the mouse to select a category. A dropdown menu with options will then be displayed. You can close the menu by clicking the ‘X’ or repressing the ‘Y’ key.

Current list of equipable in-game cosmetics:

Hats: Breeding Bunny Ears, Fuzzy Cat Ears

Eyewear: Blindfold, Round Glasses

Facewear: Ballgag, Facemask

Cuffs: Shackles

Buttplug: Golden Plug


New equipable cosmetics added along with the new menu.

Cat Ears Hat: Soft and fuzzy kitten

Blindfolds Eyewear: Act of mercy or cruelty? 

Round Glasses Eyewear: Both booksmart and bedsmart!

Anal Butt Plugs: Keep your slaves nice and full.

Ball Gags Facewear: No moaning! (Note: doesn’t actually muffle sound yet)

Facemask Facewear: Discrete and stylish.

Rope Leashes: Walking your pets is important! Ordering elves to follow you now leashes them. 

Penis Physics: 

The demon’s penis now implements real time physics while moving.

UI Improvements and Additions:

Updated Help Menu to Demon’s Journal: 

New help menu which Includes sections for gameplay help and information, also comes with 8 custom artwork stamps.

Preview below

Updated Player Information Panel; now also keeps track # of sex times on player demon.

Improved information panel and now includes hair colour, skin tone and amputee status.

Added a new spawn NPC cheat

Added an in-game FPS counter in the top left corner

Minions now have UI and a hp bar

Added widget to toggle display/sex mode on breeding cross

Exit device prompt now stays on screen for all devices


Pillory: Updated to a holding legs pose

Breeding Cross: Updated to a breast fondling pose


Breastfeeding Station: Updated to a dazed sitting pose


For all the guro and snuff enthusiasts: (reminder, this is OPTIONAL gameplay, you don’t have to partake in any of this content if you choose not to)

Butcher Table & Amputations:

Added a new table located in the execution hall where you can amputate limbs and dismember elves. 

Whenever you remove a non-essential limb the elf becomes an amputee. 

Note: The station will only accept LIVE victims only. Amputating the head is lethal.

Amputees (Onaholes) are unable to move and become perfect limbless breeding toys.

To dispose of removed limbs, you can either use the lava pit, collector, or the remove bodies cheat. Limbs are physics objects which you can interact with.

Execution Gallows:

  • New dungeon gallows, functions similar to the guillotine. Line them up and choose their right moment. 



Duo Gallows: Allows your slaves to hang out together outside. Quite literally.

Mass Executions

Cooking Pot:

  • Updated the soul collector model to a cooking pot. A disposal tool that converts bodies into souls, full gameplay functionality still to be implemented. 

Gameplay Control: Release

  • Release dead bodies from device: Pressing the ‘E’ key while near the occupied device (stake or gallows) will free the victim’s body from the device.

Misc. Bug Fixes and Changes:

  • Attempting sex while target dead resulting in softlock
  • Fixed info ID overflowing out of text box
  • Fixed lava and collector bug triggering and destroying npc’s without touching it
  • Minion spawn cap changed 5 -> 10
  • Binded Q key to also exit devices
  • Binded L-Ctrl key to enable the player mouse cursor, repressing it hides it
  • Fixed debugging cheat which caused the free cam to spawn under map after
  • Fixed issue where trying to pick up babies close to elf resulted in both being picked up (Baby now takes priority over elf)
  • Assassin now has coloured pubic hair
  • Player can no longer toggle free cam in mid air
  • Various dungeon lighting changes
  • Baby skin colour changed to demon red hue
  • Minor UI and text outline changes

Thanks for all the patience, support, feedback and ideas. Extra thanks to my game testers, and also if you are an early access supporter, it helps development costs a lot. 


v0.0.3 Early Access 1.9 GB
Version 2 46 days ago

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would love to see highly resistant girls where you need to put fear in them to mate them

then adding a sexual interaction to the hanging areas

where when you place them with the rope around their neck the animation would kick out the stole but catch the girls with the demons lap as his cock rams deep into them with just enough rope length not to kill them when he does this

this wouldint kill them but scare them into submission

this would turn them from berzerker types into submissive girls instead of fighting you they will nuzzle your back instead of the leashes

the idea their so scared of getting killed they become fully loyal even trying to hold onto you only way you stop this is by sending them away with a command emote to go back to whatever they were doing

I like and support this game very much, it is in line with my hobbies, I hope the author can improve the game as soon as possible, especially the save function, otherwise every time to start the game will have to start again, which is very frustrating, in addition to the corpse can also add more gameplay, such as desecration corpse, that is very good, thank you

You cant pick up the babies

can there be a option to have sex with them with there gear on?